Electrolysis is a process present in many types of aluminum corrosion, not the root cause of the corrosion per se. What you're seeing is most likely some type of galvanic, pitting, filiform or crevice corrosion. All of these types of corrosion require the presence of an electrolyte (moisture), which is most likely the cause of your problem.
Galvanic corrosion takes place when two different metals contact with each other in the prescence of an electrolyte. Galvanic corrosion does not happen in dry surroundings. In surroundings with chloride however (for example near the seaside), the risk of galvanic corrosion always exists.
Pitting is a frequent type of corrosion of aluminium and occurs due to the presence of an electrolyte. The corrosion is seen as very small pits and only penetrates a small way into the surface when induced in air. However, in water and earth larger pits can occur.
Crevice corrosion can arise in small crevices filled with fluid.
Filiform corrosion occurs under painted or plated surfaces when moisture permeates the coating. Lacquers and "quick-dry" paints are most susceptible to the problem.
If the moisture causing the corrosion in your camper is being caused by a leak, by fixing the leak you will also fix the corrosion. If the moisture is atmosperic however, it may be a more difficult problem to address. Coatings, sealants and barriers are critical to protecting aluminum from atmospheric moisture.