wnjj wrote:
covered wagon wrote:
steve68steve wrote:
covered wagon wrote:
... You can tell the better screws using a magnef as the will have little or no magnetic attraction. Meaning having no iron in them.
The main ingredient in stainless steel is still iron. The reason it doesn't oxidize is because there's chromium alloyed with the iron. Iron can exist in different crystal lattice shapes - not all of them are magnetic.
Good stainless is mostly cadmium and nickle. The very best SS has little or no iron and won't magnetize at all. I've got some screws that won't attract at all.
Stainless Steel without iron isn't steel and as Steve pointed out, the magnetism has nothing to do with a lack of iron but its crystal shape (look up austenitic stainless steel).
Never the less, the whole point to the original poster is that you can still use a magnet to find the better ss screws. When it magnetizes it's battery acid time with electrolisys (sp.).
So always use a magnet to test for potential corrosive problems with fasteners and other items connected with aluminum or any other exterior uses. Like I said...... the best screws are still heavy in feel and weight but don't magnetize. Some magnetize lots and some less so. I've got more expensive ones that don't attract at all. This is the whole point in it's entirety, more useful not to argue metalurgy.
So when you use a magnet you will find some with less rusty stuff and some with more rusty stuff in it.