ShinerBock wrote:
wilber1 wrote:
Only if the pump is turning fast enough to provide that pressure at the required flow. That has always been an issue with diesels because they produce so much torque at low RPM.
Unlike variable displacement pumps, gear pumps can't increase flow without increasing RPM.
How many times do I have to tell you that it is the pressure control valve/solenoid that controls(key word is controls there) the pressure to shift before you understand? Please show me what information you have that only the pump controls the line pressure on a modern electronically controlled transmission. Go ahead, I can wait......
Oh, and by the way, the pump on the 68RFE is a dual-stage pump with the primary always working and the secondary being bypassed when not needed.
I'm not telling you the pump controls pressure, I'm telling you a valve can't control pressure if it isn't there. You obviously know the pump capacities of the 68RFE, the flows and pressures required at every RPM and torque demand so why don't you let us in.