wilber1 wrote:
For the last time, I have never said the pump controls the pressure.
You stated that it is the pumps pressure from the its rpm that makes the transmission shift.
wilber1 wrote:
The higher rpm will allow the pump to develop more pressure, that's a reason for delaying the shift.
That is essentially saying that it is the pump pressure that is controlling the shift which is false. So yes, you did state that the pump controls the pressure to shift.
wilber1 wrote:
I'll just say it one more time and then I am done. A pressure relief valve can only control whatever pressure a pump provides. It doesn't make pressure.
This is false. The pressure control solenoid/valve can increase and decrease the amount of pressure coming from the pump to the transmission. Again, think of a garden hose and putting your thumb over half the end. BOOM, you just became a pressure control valve increasing the pressure output of the hose even though the pump did not increase output. So yes, the pressure control solenoid/valve can make more pressure coming out of it than what the pump is putting in.