wilber1 wrote:
Look, I have never said any of those things.
Yes, you did wilber.
"The higher rpm will allow the pump to develop more pressure, that's a reason for delaying the shift. Posted: 05/27/16 11:06am"
Here you say that the pump controls the shift since the only reason for the delayed shift is due to the pumps pressure which is false.
wilber1 wrote:
The link you provided said that the pump provides enough pressure under most conditions and I believe that but it also means there are some conditions where it doesn't. Neither you nor I know what those conditions are.
Yes, and those are times when the pressure control solenoid/valve decreases pressure because too much pressure the will blow the transmission gaskets and valves, and also cause too harsh of a shift.
wilber1 wrote:
I am only responding to your claim that a valve can increase pressure when all it can do is manage the pressure produced by the pump.
Again, you keep saying this false statement even after I proved it was false. Yes, the pressure control valve can increase pressure going into various clutch packs and shift valves by directing flow.
wilber1 wrote:
If you have a pump turning 1000 rpm circulating 5 gallons per minute at a system pressure of
150 psi, the only way you can increase pressure is to restrict the flow to the whole system or increase pump speed. A valve in the system can only control the amount of pressure drop, while maintaining flow in the rest of the system, it can't increase pressure beyond what is already there.
Here is where I think you are confusing yourself. The transmission does not have the same pressure throughout the whole system. The valve body (or solenoid pack in electronically controlled transmissions) will manipulate pressure and flow going to various clutch packs and servos. This is how it increases pressure and flow in one area by decreasing it in another.
Here is a great website explaining how it works. Please read it before spreading false information again. ----->
A Short Course on
Automatic Transmissionswilber1 wrote:
Anyway, this thread has been derailed enough.
Well them stop posting false information derailing it.