I had a door leak in my old trailer and I couldn't find the source of it to save my life. The inside of my trailer would be wet when we had a big downpour, which in FL is all too frequent, and then I'd go check on it. There were times I'd go and it was still dry, which left me scratching my head, and then the next time it would be wet. Using a wet vac to suck the water out of the carpet and then clean the carpet and make sure it dried so no mold got into it, got old very fast. Then one day.......the leak stopped. I'd still go check every time it rained, but it was always dry. A few months later, I found the trailer was wet again, but this time it was on the opposite side of the trailer. I found a different leak behind the couch on the slide that had ruined a section of the wall. That's when I decided enough was enough and I traded it in for the trailer we have now.
Glad to hear your issue was an easy fix. Leaks in an RV are the worst.