JBarca wrote:
As far as entry level, I started with a back pack and 50# in it. That is how I entered camping. I considered myself on top of the world going to places located in God's country in the wilderness with hiking stick or a paddle in my hand. We now haul 10,000# of camper and "stuff" and still go camping in God's country just the trail is little more paved. You will never find one stitch of trash or messed up campsite where we have camped due to respect for nature and my fellow camper. As far as the neighbor next to me, they can be in a 1960 VW camper bus with a peace sign on it or triple slide tag axle diesel pusher and I'll invite them over for campfire. How ever you entered camping, good for you. The world would be a better place if we all went camping and respected each other like we should. Camp on!
I couldn’t agree more. I started camping as a Boy Scout in the late 60s. I’ve slept under the stars, under visqueen, under old musty canvas tents in just about any kind of weather you can imagine. I thought I’d hit the big time when I got my first nylon tent and the first time I used an air mattress I felt like I was cheating. We carried water in 5 gal. containers and every meal in those days was cooked over an open fire…the other half still makes a mean peach cobbler in a Dutch oven covered in hot coals. I could still build a latrine if I had to. THAT is entry level camping.
When I bought a pop up, I thought “this ain’t camping”, not with two beds, an “ice box”, cold running water, and air conditioning. Now, my cheap stick and tin entry level StarCraft has ducted central air, a ducted furnace, refrigerator/freezer, hot and cold running water, toilet, bathtub, kitchen sink, bathroom sink, 3 burner stove, oven, lights all over the place, microwave, built in stereo, flat screen TV, DVD/Blue Ray player, cable hook-up, and a queen-size bed with 4” memory foam mattress pad. Plus enough storage to take more******than I’ll ever use.
Now we’re getting ready to go to an even bigger stick and tin entry level TT. We looked at a lot of “next level” campers (5ers and TTs both) and we’re at a place in our lives where if that’s what we wanted we could afford it. But 99% of them had a lot of foo-foo that we simply don’t want or need. So it doesn’t make any difference to me what someone else calls it, we settled on what fits us.