leftybj wrote:
I have a half ton truck and 28 foot trailer. I use an equal-I-zer hitch and am very satisfied. I am thinking of buying a larger truck. If I buy a truck that does not squat down when I hook up the trailer, I won't need tension to level everything out. Without tension on the spring bars I loose sway control. Anybody have experience with this?
I went from this:
To this:
I've continued to use the old (circa 1989) Reese dual cam WDH with sway control. In fact, I set the chains to the same links on each side with the F250 as I did on the F150.
My camper weighs the same as it always has, as does the tongue. The F250 has a lot more capacity than the F150 did, but I'm only using a fraction of that capacity. By setting the bars the same, I'm still distributing the same weight I always have between the front and rear axles.
While the F250 has electronic sway control built in, I prefer not to engage it, and allow the mechanical sway control of the WDH to handle it. Keeping in mind that I have never experienced any problems with sway, I suppose if it got bad enough that the mechanical couldn't handle it, the truck's on board control would take over.