Forum Discussion

SharkGirl's avatar
Aug 07, 2014

Equalizer/Anti Sway Hitch

We just purchase a 30' Aviator Electra and are super excited! This is a first for either of us!!

We were told that we needed to get a weight equalizer/ anti Sway hitch. The salesman stated it would be $1200 for this hitch at his place and they would put it on and all... but that just seems to me a bit much... Do any of ya'll have any recommendations on a good one and how do we go about making sure its the right one for our trailer?
  • Sharkgirl - welcome to the forum.

    The retailer has a wealth of information on WDH options that you can review and get knowledge as well as competitive pricing. Installation of my Equal-i-zer (that is a brand name, not to be confused with "equalizer" which is a generic term) took about 1/2 hour when I got my new trailer so at, say, $120/hour chargeout rate, a deal should not charge much more than $60 to install. Add that to the price and you would see how much profit the RV dealer is trying to claw back from you.
  • When I bought my trailer they wanted $770 for the 10k equal-i-zer brand hitch installed. I eventually got them down on it and the trailer together where I paid about $500 for the hitch, which is about the best you'll get even online.
  • Thats what i thought.. Sales Men!!!

    But is there anything i need to look for as far as weight of trailer.. fully loaded trailer is suppose to be in the neighborhood of 8000... are the hitches weight classes or just a one size fits all kind of deal?
  • You can buy one and install yourself for about 500, not including tools. To buy from the dealer and have the dealer install is usually in the 750 range. 1200 is outrageous.