Forum Discussion

Monty-Rob's avatar
Feb 11, 2016

Excessive white exhaust while driving F450 diesel

Lately I have noticed a lot of white exhaust smoke coming out the tailpipe.
Normally when I see warning on dash for cleaning exhaust there is only a little white smoke now it continues for a few minutes...I am like a smog machine going down the road.
A Ford dealer here in Fort Mill,SC could not find anything today....thoughts...suggestions...we'll see if the smoke continues today..
  • Probably an active regen vs passive. Mine blew tons of white smoke during regen when I was not driving it hard enough. Scared the bejeezus out me the first time it happened.
  • What about that issue they had with moisture in the exhaust or something similar? Its been over 5 years since I had mine but it would do that after excessive idling and especially if I floored it after some light cruising.
  • Mine hit a point where it was going into regen about every 50 miles for 20 miles at a time. Ford also told me it was because my longest drive when not towing ( daily driver) was 10 miles at a time.. It would not get a good cook off to clean , so it clogged...
  • 2008 F450 with 75,000 miles.
    Ford thought I needed to drive it longer distance to burn off particulates
  • I had an 09 with the 6.4... that was the only issue I had...
    It would be like the old time bug machine rolling down the road...
    Your DPF filter is either clogging , or clogged.. there is a company up in CT that specializes in BAKING those to be new , as apposed to buying new with a cost od $3000.00.. or close.
  • FishOnOne wrote:
    I've noticed this with the 6.4's on the road too and some smoke really bad. I would keep a close eye on your radiator and oil level making sure you're not loosing radiator fluid or making oil.

    I hate to say this :W but I agree.
    How many miles OP?
  • I've noticed this with the 6.4's on the road too and some smoke really bad. I would keep a close eye on your radiator and oil level making sure you're not loosing radiator fluid or making oil.
  • Lots of reports of 2011+ GM Duramax trucks doing this as well. It's unburnt diesel fuel in the DPF that builds up during the regen process. My truck does it occasionally if I am in the middle of a regen and stuck in light traffic for a while, then get on it and its a huge cloud of white smoke.
  • What does is smell like? If it has acrid odor, like burning trash, then its probably still trying to burn of a plugged DPF and hasn't been able to finish a cycle. You may need to to give it a good hard highway drive in this case.

    If it has any semblance of a sweet smell, you probably have a ruptured EGR cooler. Less common than on the 6.0's but still happens on the 6.4L.