I have had a pac brake pxrb on my 03 dodge diesel auto I didn't like it.It was almost a song and dance to get it to lock the converter to slow down if I left the switch on it stayed locked while shifting up but would not stay locked going down. If I pulled the lever on the auto to 2nd or hit the od off it would unlock the converter then I would have to speed up to lock it back up. It also got hot once or twice and I had to turn the truck off and back on to get it to work. The air compressor comes with a little air chuck but the hose in the kit would always get hot and melt if I had to blow up anything more then an airbag in the hitch of a fifth airborne. The 07.5 6.7 came with one and all I can say is awesome. The pxrb would be great with a manual trans or a manual switch that locked the converter and kept it locked while turning on the brake but I am sure that would get old too. Good Luck with what ever you decide..
Edit : ATS has their own controller for a pacbrake check it out I think it has to be better then what pacbrake put out for my 03.