N-Trouble wrote:
The_real_wild1 wrote:
A regen with take about 40 miles. Any time is is stopped it will have to restart again. Go out on the highway and watch your mileage. During a regen the mileage should suck compared to what it normally is. Once the region is done the mileage will go back to normal.
As for your other question doing a delete is ok as long as you don't have any warranty left. You can bump up the power as well but then you will have to do upgrades as well including head studs and pump. Most will delete the egr as well. If your under warranty still this will void it. Go onto the duramax forums and do some research for more info.
1) Regens are time based (~30min) not mileage based on 2011+ Dmax trucks.
2) Head studs are not needed on a Dmax if running stock turbo. Its not a 6.0 Powerjoke...
Wow... If I had to drive ~30 min to complete a regen I think I would dump that truck. Mine completes a regen ~10 miles. And if I stop during a regen it will not restart the next time I drive the truck, but rather it will go a shorter distance before the next regen.