I had a 2005 Durango ,and now have a 2011 Durango. Both have the Hemi's. the 05 towed our 20 foot hybrid fine. the 11, tows it much better. this is also our daily driver, the 05 was just a not as easy to drive around. This being the wifes car, it matters. I personally drive a Chevy Avalanche, and would rather drive that over the 2005. The new Durango, is so much nicer. Very quiet, and has plenty of power. No restrictions on WD hitches. the only thing I am doing now, is replacing the OEM shocks with Bilsteins. as for this not being as stout as a Expy, the Durango is pushing 360Hp. One other positive note, I am getting over 20 on the highway, the 05, I got 16 on the highway.