My suggestion, if considering purchasing another extended warranty, do not buy one that advertises or solicits your business. Usually these contracts have long grace periods and are very leary to cover anything that may come about with in a year after the contract was purchased. I suggest going to your dealer and asking them what they have that may work for you. If that dealer does not have anything that will work, check with a used car dealer with a good reputation. Usually these business have done some research and have a vested interest in selling a good contract. Do not go to any used car "jockey" and see what they have. There are to many bad contracts sold. However as your mileage increases costly repairs become more possible and the value of a contract will decrease. If costly repairs concern you that much it maybe in your interest to trade to a different vehicle with less miles. The company you Endurane that you mention does not ring a bell. However there are many labels or contracts that use adjustors or are sold by a larger company with a different name. If I were in your shoes I would try to buy a gmpp, if the price vs time period make the value to poor. I would suggest a company called Zurich, fidelity, or AGEIS. Check their websites or see if they have a dealer in your area.