100% agree. My EB gets me roughly 20 MPG as a DD, but 8 when towing. It tows like mad though so well worth it.
As for GM, I was referring to their latest commercial where they covered it up to look like a Ford. Their antiquated engine may be good, but overall, the entire truck is outdated, and behind in every department. Glad to See Ram is getting up there with the tech. I have coworkers with ram's they like them, but the main reason they bought Ram, they couldn't afford a Ford. They bought used, and Ram had lower sales prices in even the used department. I really liked the looks of a truck one of them got, but can't get past that knob on the dash for shifting. Call me old school, but I prefer a console shifter, if I can't have a manual shift, at least having a shifter on a console is the next best thing. Makes for a nice hand rest.
Honestly what kept me in an F150 after my 14 was totaled, was the fact that it got totaled and I walked away. Hit another truck dead center on its side at 49MPH in ice. The other driver lost control and slid across my lane and I had the brakes locked for at least 300' before impact. I went from 51 MPH, where the road had gone from wet, to ICE, and slid straight as an arrow. I dropped 2 MPH. Safety #1 in the F150, something the others just can't compare to.
I saw a thread where another F150 owner had got hit in an offset at 55 MPH, in one of the new Aluminum body trucks, and he walked away with soreness only. The truck took the brunt of the force and got smashed good, but the cabin, like my 14, was fully intact. The hit was so hard it busted the wheel and shoved it under the truck.