As ragfo points out, the only issue with what you have is a legal "CIVIL" liability if in an accident. From the legal standpoint of an LEO/CVEO or equal, as long as you have a paid for license and registration that is greater than what you weigh, no big deal. Also, assuming that you are under normal FBL regs per axel.
FBL wise, you get 500 lbs per inch of tire up to 20K per axel. Assuming a typical 10-11" tire, you get 5000-5500 per corner, so 20-22K lbs total for the truck. You state you are at around 11500-12K lbs. So 8000-10K lbs under your max per the FBL's.
If you were where I am in the State of washington, you buy yourself a 12K gvw plate, you're not going to get an overweight ticket! Even if you did, and overwieght ticket is like getting a parking ticket! It does not go on your driving record.
WHere you can get into trouble, is if the LEO does a field test for stopping, you stop at a distance that is greater than the field test allows, you have a failed braking system, you cannot continue to drive the rig on the road. THAT TICKET is a moving violation, that ticket goes against your driving record, and gets shared with your insurance company. You will have to fix your failed brakes on the side of the road, or two said rig to a repair place......It might also mean unloading weight out of the rig if you have literally put too much weight on the rig for its braking ability.
At the end of the day, it is up to the driver of a vehicle to decide if they have the correct one for the task at hand. I personally do not have an issue with what, how etc the OP is loaded at, and would drive the rig with out issues.