gkainz wrote:
What really baffles me is the fix should simply be a software update. They're destroying the hardware for a software issue. Unless the destroying hardware is punitive action?
A part of me somewhat cheered for VW when I heard initially about the emissions games - (yeah, will get bashed here for that, I'm sure). I'm not a fan of forced solutions for paper problems with CAFE, etc ...
The "software solution" was an early attempt by VW to downplay the problem. It has since been rejected by the EPA and CARB. Just turning up DEF injection doesn't work. The more DEF that is injected, the more ammonia is released (harmful) unless there is sufficient catalyst to turn it into water and nitrogen, which are harmless. The assumption with the Gen1 (2009-2012) engines is that they could not get the right chemistry without replacing too many systems (DEF, Catalytic converter, turbos, DPF, etc.).
This isn't about CAFE, it's about the EPA. NOx emissions are harmful to humans. Sure, the effect is minimal with so few vehicles emitting many times the allowed NOx levels, but VW is being made an example of to discourage this from happening again.
Whatever the buyback and compensation amount is, it is many times less than US law provides for. If you are sold something that is misrepresented by the manufacturer and not what you were promised (clean diesel!), you are entitled to 3X the original purchase price. That would be at least $150K per 3.0. In some ways VW is getting off easy, but that's the way the law usually works.
I think most people will be happy with the settlement. We get to move into a new vehicle for very little $, so it's good for us.