RPreeb wrote:
Wild Card wrote:
John & Angela wrote:
Stefonius wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
I didn't read what happens to the cars that are bought back? Are they crushed? If so, that's messed up.
VW is required to make it so that the engine cannot be reused. The car can be junked as-is provided that a certain number of holes of a certain size are drilled through the engine block. It is also acceptable to crush or shred the car.
A sad and unnecessary end to a great vehicle.
Sad yes, unnecessary, they could not be made to comply so that is the fault of the manufacturer. Clean air trumps everything and manufacturers need to know they can not deliberately deceive governments. This is not a Canadian thing or an American thing this is a world wide thing. A TDI puts out 40 times more pollution than what it was advertised to produce. That is simple false advertising. A TDI emits 600 times more emissions than a Prius. Just because you can't easily see it doesn't make it any less harmful to health.
Uhh, No. This is a United States thing not a world thing. We are the only dumb @$$'s stupid enough to regulate ourselves right into the grave.
I'm sorry, but that's a fairly ignorant comment. Removing environmentally friendly policies would put us closer to the grave than adhering to them. All you have to do is look at the photos of Beijing to see what it would be like if we just ignored vehicle and industrial emissions. The improvement in the air quality of most US cities in the last 30 years can be directly linked what you consider "stupid".
By that I don't mean that everyone needs to drive a Prius (I wouldn't own one myself), but a relatively clean environment is essential to our health and quality of life. If it takes government regulation to achieve that, then such regulation is a necessity. It's been proven time and time again that companies won't take ownership of such precautions on their own.
What I meant is over regulation. We have to run our urine through a reverse osmosis plant before it hits the toilet. It's a bit out a hand don't ya think? And I do agree with common sense regulation. I also do not trust the EPA as its a government run operation.