Thx Ben for the info on the Accord Hybrid. I agree, think this is the vehicle to consider.
We were away for a week + on holiday to visit our daughter and her family. Drove through three prairie provinces there and back, 700 miles + in a day, 12 hour driving days, we do the drive in one 12 hour day. MPG was quite good...high 30's (we use British Imperial Gallon...20 % larger than U.S. Gallon) MPG is 20 % higher...same distance. It is nice to fill up our gas tank on the '15 Impala 3.6 V6, IC and get about 500 miles of range in about 5 minutes.
On the prairies we no longer have any provincial/inter provincial bus or passenger train 'public transportation'...has to be our personal vehicle. We do have plane transportation, but not to small towns, which was our destination.
There is also very little if any EV vehicle charging infrastructure out here, great distances between points, very cold, long I don't see EV's as a safe or viable alternative as of yet.
I think the hybrid has a lot more appeal/practicality/safety (no one wants to be 'juiceless' by the side of the road, sitting in your EV, on the lone prairie when it's 30 below) for these conditions. When you run out of electrical power, your IC cuts in..the way to go during any transitional, 'bridging' time period I would think.
BTW, I have just noticed more Tesla articles on The Fast Lane. Some issues with speed of repair.
Thx for the advice, Les