Forum Discussion

plasticmaster's avatar
Aug 15, 2022

F150 3.31 gears vs 3.55 gears

I accidentally posted this in the wrong section earlier, but please indulge me in 1 more question. I sort of asked this in another thread, but wanted to devote a thread to this particular question. My current truck is a 2014 Silverado 5.3L with payload capacity of 1638# and 9700# tow capacity as I have the 3.42 gear ratio. I tow a TT that's close to 9500# loaded and it tows it very comfortably. I'm looking at getting a 2015 to 2020 Ford F150. The payload capacity of the F150 will be greater than my Silverado, so I'm good there, but the tow capacity will either be 9100 or 10100 depending on whether I get the 3.31 gears or the 3.55 gears. Do I really need to be that worried about which gear ratio? Would it really make that much of a difference towing my camper? Please refrain from telling me I need a 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck as I'm looking for the answer about the gear ratio. Thanks.