Sjm9911 wrote:
Reisender wrote:
Yep. There is a new apartment building complex with 176 parking spots in the parking lot. There are at least 40 half tons. :) Meh. People have different tastes and needs. Nothing wrong with a half ton as a daily driver.
The developers included 4 level 2 charging stations for residents only. There are a few BEV's there so they get used. Apparently room for a dozen more, Good foresight on their part. BEV sales are climbing fast in this province, I think once EV trucks are out that will climb even faster. Teslas are like corolas in out little town. :) (Little exaggeration :) )
Yea, unfortunately they will need to upgrade all the electric in a lot of those parking lots and decks. Lots of places by me have 150 plus units with a multi story parking deck. And 0 chargers. This could be a mess. I have no idea the amount of voltage needed, plus the transformer capacities.
The lot behind where i work has 3 chargers that have been there for like 5 years. Maybe a bit longer. At first no one used them, now everyone is fighting for those spots. To the future! .......maybe.......
Yepir. Lots of upgrading for building owners. Re voltage. 120 or 240 depending on how fast you want to charge. About half of the EV owners just charge at home with 120. The other half put a stove plug or dryer plug or even just a 240 volt 12 amp circuit on their garage or driveway. Our second charger is like that. We ran out of capacity on our 100 amp panel. Still, quicker than 120 at 12 amps.
In other news, the electrician trade will be busy. :).