Reisender wrote:
You mean waiting for an empty stall or how long does it take to charge? Either way, depends on the infrastructure. There are still lots of 50 JW stations out there all though it gets better everyday. Waiting for an empty stall depends on the amount of infrastructure in a area. It’s good around here, but add a few hundred thousand more EV’s... I think infrastructure will continue to improve both non the Tesla and non Tesla world. There are apparently 21 “coming soon” Superchargers on the map just for this province. But like I say, Tesla’s are kinda like Corollas around here,,,(exaggeration but you get it).
Nothing out there in the Tesla forum but I'm getting this feeling that with the charging turn around issue being unrelenting, battery exchange in 10 minutes, first mentioned by Elon for the Semis, seems to be making sense.