taken wrote:
mich800 wrote:
Tenneco owns the Rancho Brand. So they are Rancho shocks.
BMW makes Mini Cooper. Is a Mini Cooper an X5 or 7 series? Yes Tenneco does make Rancho as well as the "Rancho Branded" shocks. One still has nothing to do with the other. The shocks are built to Ford specs with a Ford part number like the rest of the shocks Tenneco makes for Ford. They also have completely different valving than the standard black painted Ford shocks that come on non FX4 trucks. This has all been confirmed by a Rancho rep that posts on FTE.
??? Yes, that is how it works in the automotive world. Tires, shocks, engines, trans, etc. They are spec'd to the OEMs requirements. Would you say the "brand" tire spec'd to the OEM is not really a "brand" tire because it is not the exact same one you could buy at Tire Rack?