wing_zealot wrote:
harmanrk wrote:
Actually I'm looking at a F250 PDS to pull a 7600 pound hybrid, so hardly looking for a minimum vehicle. I was more looking at 5th wheel capacity for 'the next trailer', and found it odd the the 5th wheel capacity was less than the bumper capacity. But as it comes down to the amount of the trailer weight carried as tongue weight, that makes more sense.
You know your towing capacity (i.e.: payload) goes way down with the diesel?
So if your thinking 5th wheel you might want to think F350 or make sure you have enouh payload capacity for whatever size of fiver you think you might end up with.
Pop Quiz: Do you know where to find the "real life" payload rating of any truck you test drive, on the lot, as it sits? (Hint: the answer is not the salesman)
For 5th wheels the issue is not the carrying capacity(PAYLOAD), it is the RAWR on that sticker that you refer to, minus the ready to tow weight of the rear axle. Chris