Forum Discussion

2_Piece's avatar
Dec 01, 2018

F350 and Northern Lite 10-2

I posted this on another site then realized there was not much activity at that site. I am posting here as well to get the input of members on this site.

Your thought please...
I have a 2018 F350 crew cab, 8' bed, Line-X, DRW, diesel all of which is not that important except the F350 part. I purchased a 2019 Northern Lite 10-2 a few months ago. It's a wonderful truck and a wonder camper. Truck only drops 2" and hauls the 10-2 likes its not even there.
All is great except for...
Newer model Ford trucks have a higher cab, thus the need to add about an 1" of material (plywood) and the rubber mat to the bed of the truck so you can have adequate clearance between the cab over and cab of truck. I have done this 2 pieces of 1/2" plywood and the rubber mat and it works fine. However, I just do not like the idea of leaving 2 pieces of plywood in the bed of of the truck with the rubber mat over it. Plywood gets to warping and I guess over time will begin to rot, plus its heavy. So I end up taking plywood and mat in and out of truck every time I load/ unload the camper. This stuff gets heavy and I am wondering if there maybe a better way.
The dealer I bought the 10-2 from said he had customers using the construction grade Styrofoam insulation used on exterior basement wall before they back fill the foundation. This Styrofoam comes in 1", 1 1/2" and 2" thicknesses and is very, very lite weight compared to plywood. It is also fairly crush proof. It sounds like a great alternative to the plywood, but Torq Lift does not recommend it and will not honor warranty if used. Northern Lite's stance is at this time we recommend 2-1/2" piece of plywood. At this time I'm doing what is recommended but sure would like to find a suitable lite weight replacement for the plywood that would not warp and rot so I could leave it in the bed of the truck. Any ideas?
  • The stall mats do come in 4x8 sheets. I have it in my bed. check with your local feed store. If they don't have it they can order that size for you.
  • Northern Lites like even pressure material on the undersides because the basement sides are carrying most of the load. You want a more firm even base that won't tend to imprint the heavier sides.

    I found cutting the plywood into three strips easier to handle. Each are one foot wide by 8 foot long. In your case you could stack up the strips in the truck for the extra cab clearance you need and still be able to handle each piece easily.

    My strips have the rubber matt glued to the plywood strips. It's very important to support all sides of the camper which are carrying more weight. Esp. the rear overhang area. So in order to do this properly I place additional smaller strips behind the wheel wells to carry the widened profile of the camper.
  • I don't know the underside construction details on the Northernlite but on my Northstar the solution is a couple of 2 x 4 turned side ways to create a riser. Might be an answer.
  • Thanks for the reply's! I had thought about stall mats but dang, those things are heavy! But I guess in actuality doing away with the 1" of plywood and the 3/8" rubber mat there probably would not be that big of weight increase, if any. Most stall mats I see come in 6'x4' size so in order to double up I will have to buy 3 of them and cut one up to get the extra 2' of length needed. While looking at stall mats I came across something called a "ring mat" I'll have to check them out as well. They maybe even a lighter version of a stall mat.
  • Agreed, with weight not being a concern, you can do pretty much whatever you want.
    I haven't personally tried it, but I don't see an issue with, say, 40psi foam. That's orders of magnitude more resistance than your camper has pressure, but agin I have t done it and I could see some nuances to it maybe.
    Sounds like you load and unload the camper a lot. Do those have a fiberglass bottom, or could you attach your plywood to the bottom of the camper?

    Regarding warping, yes cheap CDX plywood will warp. 3/4" BB or MDO will not warp and even if you kept it wet for a few years straight, it wouldn't rot.
  • Hi Gary
    Congratulations on the new rig! The horse stall mat sounds like the best option. It won’t rot and the weight won’t be an issue with your dually

  • With your truck and camper combo I wouldn't worry about weight. I would probably double up 3/4" horse mat and call it a day.
  • While I leave my camper on the truck, I use a 2" 4x8' sheet of the construction styrofoam insulation under my NL. (Lowes, Home depot)

    Truck is 2017 Ford F250.

    (EDIT: By the way, there is a very active Facebook NL owners group)

    - Mark0.