Forum Discussion

Rollochrome's avatar
Mar 22, 2016

Fabric Waterproof RV Covers - Worth The Money??

I don't want to build an RV shelter on my property for my 32' TT, nor do I want to pay to keep it elsewhere.

Ive been looking at these waterproof fabric covers that various companies sell.

Anyone say yea or nay to these? Good protection from UV and water? If so do you recommend a certain brand?

Thank you!
  • Since 2006 I've used 3 different ADCO covers on 3 different trailers for winter storage and none have shown wear of any significance at all. My current cover is about to be removed after it's 3rd winter and doesn't look much different than when I put it on last fall so I don't expect I'll be replacing it anytime soon. I wouldn't have any hesitation in recommending ADCO at all. :)
  • I have had an ADCO cover for probably 5 years now and it has held up well. I think I'll get one more year out of it. The roof part may be water proof, but the sides are not.
  • Have had mine for a good 5 years plus. We do like having it on there to help keep it clean. As far as waterproof. Mine is water shedding, but not water proof. I want it to breath so I dont have mold or other issues showing up.
  • I keep a cover on mine and have since I got it new 5 years ago. I've been very pleased with the results; the trailer basically looks new on the outside. I bought it more to keep the trailer out of the sun than the rain. Most covers aren't waterproof; they are breathable and will keep most of the water off your trailer, but do let some come through. They dry up pretty quick though.

    I would stay away from Adco if you're looking to purchase a cover. I went through two of them in three years (I got one replaced under warranty). Both started to deteriorate within a couple months of getting them out of the box. I have a Carver now and while heavier and more expensive, I am very pleased with it. There are no tears, the fit is very nice, and it basically looks brand new two years in. I think the warranty is 5 years on this one.
  • I have an ADCO cover on mine. Been on there for about 6 months now and has done an excellent job of keeping things clean. However, it is not waterproof. I'm not familiar with any waterproof brands and would be a little concerned about them. If they can keep water out, they can hold it in.

    I forget what ADCO calls the fabric my cover is made of but it's soft cloth like material, dries fast and billows up when the wind blows. All that good airflow keeps things from getting moldy and prevents mildew.

    It's been thru some good winds and hasn't been a problem. If you decide on an ADCO I'd give them a call to find out which cover you should order. Their web site doesn't always give the best fitting cover. I had to send the first one back because it wasn't tall enough. I ended up getting a cover for a toy hauler (at ADCO's suggestion) and that worked out just fine. Mine is warrantied for 2 years and if it lasts that long I'll be happy. With any luck I may get more out of it.