Forum Discussion

curdy's avatar
Oct 06, 2017

Fam of 8 looking for TT

Hi everyone, my wife and I have decided to pull the trigger on a travel trailer. We have 6 children ages 2-14 so our needs are a little unique. Looking for some advice on models that will work for us. We will be towing with a 2011 Chevy Express 3500 SWB with the 6.0. I have found myself drawn more to the 3 slide models with opposing slides in a rear bunk room. I like this lay out so there is room for all 6 in one room (some on bunks, some on the floor with fold out futons). It would be ideal to have 50 Amp service, 2 AC units and a larger residential sized fridge (to help increase the time between grocery runs). Trouble is, I'm not finding this combo in the type of trailer I think we need because of weight.

Weight is my biggest concern right now. We had the van weighed a few days ago just before a trip. I wasn't in it, but with the wife, all the kids, some stuff and a full tank it tipped the scale at 7200. My wife said she was hauling some heavy bins of clothes to return to her sister...OK, but still, I wasn't in it, nor was anything I would be taking. I'm not a big guy (155#), but for the sake of just going with a number, let's use 7400# for a loaded van. I think this is over doing it, but I'd rather look at the weight as carefully as possible.

16000# GCVW
Van: 7400
That leaves 8600# left for trailer and stuff...and that is maxed which isn't exactly what I want to be doing.

With options so limited, I think the only model I've found that I can track down close to me (that doesn't weigh close to 8000# empty would be the Keystone Passport 3290BH, weighing in at 6400#

Does anyone have some feedback for me regarding other models to consider?

Thanks in advance!
  • Another Keystone product Outback 293UBH may work. 7600 lbs 3 bunks and a dinette in the rear bunkroom.
    Edit add on thats 7600 loaded, 5860 empty weight.
  • Is that 7400 van weight curb weight from some brochure or actual scaled ready to travel weight? My guess with 8 bodies on board your far closer to 8500 pounds than 7400. The van makes a nice tow vehicle, but again weights are your killer. You might consider a large tent trailer and a couple of tents for the older kids.
  • That unit has good holding tanks but 43 gallons of fresh water for eight isn't enough if you want to dry/boondock for more than a day. Miss a lot of pretty country if you don't. You'll still need to be careful with "stuff" weight. Otherwise it looks pretty good IMO.