We only have a Fantastic Fan in our new camper. We didn’t order our 2018 camper with a AC as it isn’t required.
I live in south eastern BC and we regularly have temps in the high 90’s and over 100 on occasion in July and August.
Where I worked for close to 40 years I operated huge industrial fans for smoke elimination in conjunction with baghouses. The basic idea for the camper is to have a small opening hole ( your bedroom window) and a larger exist opening (the Fantastic fan vent cover open 100%) and regulate the airflow with the fan speed.
The trick to keeping a breeze going in your camper, so close all windows and vents.
Then slightly open the side window (s) beside your cab over bed, or the hatch over the cab over bed. Don’t open them wide open, and not all of them.
Then start your fantastic fan and run it at about 1/2 speed. ( you can run the fan as fast as you like but I run at about 1/2 speed.)
We have a brand new fan with a remote control so I lay in bed and slow it down to the point I can hardly hear it, which is about 1/2 speed.
The vent cover over the fan stays at 100% open, it’s just the fan speed is slowed down.
My wife loves a cold ( COLD) bedroom and I like a extra quilt on the bed, so at night we only have her side window open and the fan running.
We have yet to think we made a mistake in not ordering our new camper with out a A/C. When we were getting ready to go out and kick the wheels of our new truck camper we made a list of wants and not wants. We figured the A/C was a waste. In our prevous three 5th wheels we only ever started the A/C once a year to ensure it worked, so why spend the extra on one with the new camper. I did run the A/C fan doing the same thing I do now with the Fantastic Fan, but not the A/C component. Our new camper is wired for a A/C so if we choose later we can install one.
Yup Fantastic Fan is all you need, and do add the Max Air covers over all your openings, they sure help when it rains and or you can travel with a vent open and not worry about it getting sucked off the top of your camper by a semi passing you on the Hwy.