Sep 05, 2017Explorer
first blowout
middle of a cool day (this past sunday, central NY state) and raining, only going about 40-45mph. Checked tire pressure before we left (about 125miles into the drive). Felt quite the rumble, and cou...
Ralph wrote:Those are the only kind of trailers that STs should probably be run on. A blowout will not cause the kind of catastrophic damage on them that it commonly does on a RV. So you can go cheap, with little consequences if it doesn't work out.
I run ST's on a small fleet of equipment / tool trailers and would not consider anything else. Out of 6 to as many as 10 of those trailers on the road at a given time over 15 years, I think we may have had 10 or 12 flats in at least a half a million miles. That's saying a lot with some of the dummies we have pulling those things around at times, good help is hard to find. Every one was due to picking up a nail or screw at a site or some other type of damage we brought on ourselves. When we need tires on those trailers they go down to the local tire guy and he puts on whatever ST's he has in stock, usually imported I would Imagine. I don't waste time monitoring what they are as I am not afflicted with RVFOCTD (RV forum obsessive compulsive tire disorder). I do know we have some Carlisles on two trailers right now, that I personally towed to a site last week.