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Mike3's avatar
Aug 24, 2014

First Camping Trip With Adventurer 116DS

I took my new TC on it's maiden voyage to Bristol, Tn for the NASCAR race this weekend. Spent three nights there and I'm happy to say that everything worked flawlessly. I had previously added a memory foam pad to the bed so it slept great. Although getting up/down from the bed in the middle of the night for a bathroom break requires more effort than I'd like, might have to make a step to use at night. It was hot so I needed the a/c and the Honda 2000 did the job without complaining. It used a tank of gas every 4 to 5 hours but I was prepared for that.

The wet bath worked fine for me. The shower curtain allowed me to cover the toilet and the entrance door and still have plenty of room so as not to hit the walls while showering. I did soak the toilet paper the first time, LOL. Afterwards it took about a minute to wipe the walls then I turned on the bathroom exhaust fan and closed the door, no issues.

With the big windows and two slides it felt very roomy. During one rain shower there were four big guys inside and no one was cramped. My brother was next to me in a 25' TT with one slide and it did not feel any more spacious than the TC. The rig attracted a lot of attention. You would not believe how many people stopped and looked at it while pointing and discussing it with each other. Many came up to ask questions or comment. A few asked to see inside and they were amazed that all that could fit in a TC. I'm sure a few had less desirable comments but were kind enough not to say them to me.

The only issue I had was leveling the truck. As you can see from the pics below the terrain is rolling hills and I was on a spot with a significant left to right AND rear to front slope. I had four 18" 2X12s with metal ramps, 4 12" 2X12 blocks and two HD yellow drive on multi tiered ramps... not enough. After about 30 minutes of trying to make that work I removed all the blocking, removed the fast guns and used the jacks to level the camper. That worked great except my rear door was really high. I'm curious how many of you level using the jacks rather than blocking?

So I am now an official member of the TC club. I can see now that my Fiver is going to be very jealous.

Campsite in a field next to the track

Bristol Motor Speedway
  • Other than the additional work/time it takes to loosen the fast guns, level with the jacks and then do the reverse when departing is there a reason not to use the jacks?

    Those of you with more experience, how long does it take to unload the camper and to load it when departing?
  • Very Nice camper! When we were shopping for a truck camper last winter the 116DS was on our short list. My wife loved the rear kitchen. When at campground We drop the camper most of the time. But when we park only for the night (boondocking) We level the truck the best we can and finish with the jacks of the camper.

    20140601_153958 par steevesdbs, sur Flickr
  • kohldad wrote:

    With regards to the step being high, just turn around and it would be closer to the ground. May also have been easier to level.

    Yeah...that's what I was thinking...

    A couple of suggestions;
    For the shower, we use a quick dry shower curtain (nylon/polyester?) instead of vinyl. It does dry quick with the fan on and it is washable...

    For levelling I use 6"x6"x 18" mitered. If that doesn't get me close enough I'll move or dig some holes.They probably wouldn't like holes at the speedway!

    BTW; nice rig. You are going to love the TC...
  • Very glad your trip went well. Learning to level get easier, but no matter how could you get, you will always find a site that takes forever to get it right.

    I never use the jacks once the camper is on my truck. All I carry is two 6x8x10 blocks, four 2x6x16", and a stack of eight leveling blocks. I use two 2x6 beside each other because I got tired of my 2x12s splitting in half after they dry out. I can use the block in any direction I need and have even learned how to use the leveling blocks on top of the boards for increase height. My wife was real nervous the first time I used a block on the 10" side and three leveling blocks on top of it. I pull up enough that the 2x6 becomes level with one end off the ground. But I explained that in 4wd-lo and granny gear plus the e-brake on, the truck wasn't about to move. After a couple of hours of seeing how steady the truck was, she quit worry about it. I'm also not paranoid about making sure the suspensions is all compressed the same. I have no problems having an axle compressed more on one side than the other. After all, that is part of the reason of the suspension.

    With regards to the step being high, just turn around and it would be closer to the ground. May also have been easier to level.
  • Very good looking set up you have Mike. Leveling can be a pain at times and sometimes you find the rear end higher than what you'd like especially on a slope. Nice Event that you went to and camping was close by. Enjoy the rig and take a lot of camping trips.
  • Nice looking rig ya got there Mike. You picked a fine event to break her in. Happy Trails! Vic
  • Very handsome out fit. We use blocks for leveling and our airbags. So far - not so tough. but, we do get the back awfully high in the air at times.