RandomAbstract wrote:
BTW, I get 8mpg with a 5.7 Hemi towing 4,000 pounds. But I am traveling 70 mph crossing the plains into a headwind to get to the mountains.
Towing 3500lbs with a 5.7 Hemi and I average 10.9 mpg if I set the cruise at 70mph. Back that cruise off to 65mph, the truck will drop a gear less often, raise me to 11.9 mpg (mostly western PA and east, which is a bit hilly).
I haven't taken the TT west, but I imagine I could squeeze better than 12mpg on the flats....but not much more.
Drive until tank reads 1/4...hand attended at gas stop a $100.00 bill...hope to get some change. Current prices leaves enough to buy lunch and snacks. In 2014...it didn't fill the 32 gallon tank.