Thanks for the responses everyone. I should have mentioned the vehicle occupancy in that first post. All I'll have is myself, my soon to be wife, and a couple cats. Don't have kids and neither of us want them so my payload probably won't be much. If and that's a big IF we have another couple camp with us I'd expect them to be in their own vehicle. As far as extra stuff I figure I have the flexibility to put it in the trailer to reduce tow vehicle payload or put it in the Durango if I need to shift it there. I've seen those fold down racks on the back of the trailer to store stuff so I would think that adds minimal tongue weight if not removes some. The catch being I don't want to take off tougue weight below 10%. On the safe side I bet I could assume 500# of stuff in the Durango, so that leaves me 1100# to play with for tongue weight, which is more than I can use while keeping the tongue weight below 870#. When I look at trailers looks like I should add to the criteria the GVW can't start with a 7 based on what everyone is saying.