TomG2 wrote:
You solved your problem. Never saw anyone on here complain about having too much payload, but a lot of them about too little....
I agree completely. And I'm very happy for the OP on what he was able to do.
Unfortunately, for a lot of us (myself included), buying into such a comfortable towing margin just doesn't make economic sense. We camp locally most of the time, and probably won't make more than 1 - 3 trips annually more than 3 hours away, and even then, most likely never more than 5 or 6 hours away. Our TV is my daily driver, and I couldn't justify even a 3/4 ton gasser, on paper at least. Buying a high-mileage 1/2 ton, and a much older trailer is the only way we can afford at this time to camp the way we do. I'm happy to just have what we have.
If we could swing it, I would be more than happy to step up to a 3/4 ton gasser, and an oil burner would be even better. Why does money always seem to get in the way? :@