A good analogy and will add...
Why isn't the GM 6.2L all aluminum in +8,600 lb GVWR trucks? Duty cycle...
What is the GVWR and GCWR of the 'cars' with high HP/Torque mated to the 6L90 ? How well would the 6L90E do with a 5,000 lb to 7,000 lb or larger trailer in tow? Duty cycle required to tow for hours in hot conditions and steep incline will kill it...of course stated 'unloaded', but this is a towing/RV forum/application...then again, most TV's will weigh more than those 'cars'...
Worked for and was partners in small firms supplying test stands to automotive industry, military and other industrial markets (and many other markets). Largest disc brake I've designed was a 48" dia at the outer swept area...most others were in the 17"-20" range and all had 100% duty cycle ratings. My designs were much smaller than GE's, Westinghouse's, Reliance's...because they were all designed decades ago and continued to be offered
Biggest test stand was for DOT testing tires and wheels. Locomotive traction motors were the only electric motors that had the duty cycle they spec'd out, which included a 100% duty cycle for the drum at max RPM/Max Load/Max Slip angle/etc. Their old ones used hydraulic's and did NOT have the duty cycle ours did, not the fine controls they required.
All are opinions on these freebie forums...some empirical...others theoretical based on learned knowledge to actual practice. Readers must decide for themselves on the info presented, or not...