Tyler0215 wrote:
You will need a big fork lift. That's a lot of weight and it's far away from the fork lift.
I also thought about this method of loading onto my flatbed. However the center of gravity was too far forward with the extended cabover to load from the side or the rear of the camper,even with long enough forks and a high capacity fork lift the balance point could not be safely achieved. What we ended up doing was installing two large capacity laminated wood beams over head in my shop building.One in line with the jack plates on each side of the camper.Then I purchased four cheap 1 ton chain hoist from HF,one for each jack plate.Works great, I simply swing the camper from the beams.Made loading and off loading fast, and much safer than the wobbly jacks. Alignment when loading was not so important, just swing the camper a little to line up with one hand as you lower the chain hoist.Turns out the mice cannot get to it either, I guess they wont climb down the hoist chains.Another benefit I can sit the camper all the down on the floor if I need to for easy maintenance when needed.