Forum Discussion

outwestbound's avatar
Mar 09, 2014

floorplan question; slideouts blocking refer while in

Hi. Couple looking to buy a 29-31 (box size, overall 35-36)TT for min 2 year full-time road trip. I must have a rear living room plan with opposing slides and prefer a kitchen island, but island not critical. With slides in, some plans (island plans it seems) eliminate access to the entire kitchen including all appliances. Of the ones I've found with islands, some are designed to allow access to refer and pantry (slides in). With slides out, the refer/ pantry locations seem silly, until I figured out its due to providing access. All allow access to bedroom and bath, regardless. I've never lived in a TT or road tripped like this, but estimate 20% boondocking/ walmarts and the balance in parks.

How important is it that at least the refer/ pantry be accessible when the slides are in?

Thanks so much for any advice on buying right the first time.
  • We've decided on a Jay Flight 33 RLDS (that we're hoping to be in 2-3 months) and this was one of the questions we asked. About a month ago we went to a nearby dealer who pulled one of these units inside so we could look it over closely.

    This one has opposing slide-outs that are huge (13' wide and almost 3' deep). The fridge and pantry are on one side and the kitchen table/dinette are on the other. With both slides closed the fridge and pantry are both fully accessible and you can also sit at the table/dinette. The bathroom is towards the front so it's also accessible.

    Our concern was were these things accessible going down the road, but also if we got into a situation (small campsites) where we had to camp with one slide or the other closed. This unit is 35'overall and with both slides open it's right at 14' wide.
  • On my TT if the slide is in bathroom and rear bunk room aren't accessible; front bedroom, kitchen, dinette and couch are. If we need access to bunk room or bath I open the slide 12-18"... Very manageable for us.
  • My criteria was if all slides were in, and I had complete access to the WHOLE rig then it was a keeper. The only place I don't have access in my rig is my half of the closet.
  • Our FW has a moveable island. It is on wheels (they can be locked in place once in position) and is stored at the back of the FW during travel between the slides. This makes the refer and entire kitchen accessible while slides are in. You may look for floor plans with that option. We saw several when we were looking. Good luck.
  • With the only slide in we have access to every part of the rig from front to back. Access to the potty is a must and it's nice to be able to get cold drinks out of the refer and wash hands in the sink. It's your choice; obviously.