The amazon link that Clikrf8 provided, when I looked, also showed some Camco folding metal ones mkirsch, actually following links around lots of options. Doesn't show though how/if secured for traveling? Nor the wood ones, the non slip backing is really enough to keep in place?
As we virtually have no counter space besides setting stuff on the stove top or a very small flip up table-would be nice. Nicer if it was attached somehow? something to ponder.
Curious though stickbowjoe as you mentioned "..and am looking with a critical eye at how much stuff I carry...", & end up replacing with the wood one, because it will serve another purpose?
I had to grin cause I don't know how many times I started out doing one thing-end up doing something else because it allowed the option, defeating the 1st go-round. Usually in my eye more practical or functional, but 'ats a slippery slope Joe :B