Turtle n Peeps wrote:
BenK wrote:
PS...the whole point of higher MPG is when running as a 'normal' V6 and not
on the turbo...
Those who are 'on their turbo' will have less MPG...even running empty with
no load whatsoever
Why some naturally aspired V8's can get higher MPG, as on the high end, betcha
that small V6 eats or gets stuffed with more air than a bigger V8
The Ecoboost almost makes 1 atmosphere of pressure so under full boost the 3.5 liter is almost a 7.0 liter engine. And since turbocharged engines are less efficient than N/A engines the 3.5 Ecoboost will use more fuel than a N/A 7.0 liter engine while under full boost.
Good thing it's difficult to run at full boost for very long. After ~20 seconds from a stop your at the speed limiter unladen.
And when your not at full boost (99.9% of the time) the fuel savings is noticable.