Besides the drivability issues of starting/idle/lack of power that puking coolant can be either a bad degas cap (well known problem), EGR cooler and/or blown head gaskets. If you get those fixed then maybe you will enjoy the engine a little better. I had drivability issues that new injectors fixed and now it runs better (with mods)than the new diesels (GMC & Ford) at my job.
KD4UPL wrote:
I don't understand how people can talk about how great a 6.0 is after you spend thousands of dollars on it, replace lots of parts, and do meticulous frequent preventative maintenance.
If all that's necessary it's NOT a great engine.
I drive an '03 6.0 F350 for work. It is a complete pile. It starts hard, idles rough, handles bad, has no power, pukes coolant, etc. It was recommended by many who know these trucks to use synthetic engine oil and then still change it every 5,000 miles. Synthetic in most diesel trucks is good for 3 or 4 times that much mileage.
I've owned 2 different Duramax trucks and had no problems from either. My current '05 has 175,000 miles on it. Total repairs are about $2,500 for the life of the truck.