I've had the same problem. In 2008 we ordered a Chevy truck with exactly what we wanted. Now to get the items we want we would have to spend $15,000 more and would end up with a bunch of bells and trinkets we don't want.
I can't remember the specific changes but, my wife is short and found the adjustable pedals work great for anyone, but you try to add that option and you had to add un-necessary items and a lot more $$. I think the $300?? adjustable pedals would cost something like $1800.
We talked to a Dodge sales woman a while back and she kept telling my wife that there are these wooden block you can tape to the peddles........
I'm serious and she was serious.
The Ford web site appears to allows the most choices but still tries to force you to spend the extra $$$ for junk that isn't needed.