With computers now showing on the dash how much MPG you are getting I'm beginning to believe some of what I see on this engine. People have shown an actual video of their dash and 14-16 non towing has been posted. Modern diesels with emissions control will not get much better. My 05 Cummins will get 21/22 non towing if I drive it right and sometimes even more! I've ruled out replacing it with another diesel. My 5th wheel weighs 9K. I could go back to a gas engine. my previous truck was a 96 F250 with the 7.4 gas (460) and it consistently got 10 or 11 Mpg but was 100% trouble free for 12 years and 100,000 miles. Apparently this new 7.3 is similar in design and with improved injection and 10 speed transmission the MPG is considerably more. I'm going to wait a few months before test driving a new truck. I'm afraid of any new engine offering until it is proven. Ford's 6.0 diesel is a good example of that!!