Forum Discussion

geekyguru's avatar
Sep 21, 2013

fresh water

This may sound silly to the old timers.... How do I drain my fresh water? i assume i just run the faucets, let it drain in grey water tank and dump it? I am not too keen on the whole sloshing effect while towing.
  • Rumtan wrote:
    Do you have and hoses with caps on under the TT? When the caps off, they drain.

    my new TT has these. my motorhomes had a valve in a line that would drain the tank.
  • In-laws did have a very old Teri TT they remodeled. I had no drain in the tank. All they could do was to run the pump until it pumped no more.

    Unless your camper is 50 years old, it should have a drain outlet under the camper. If no (which is entirely possible ... perhaps), the only alternative is to run with your pump until it pumps no more water, into the black and/or gray tank and dump the black/gray tank.
  • Thanks man. I just wanted to get that old water out since im not camping for a few weeks. Good idea thoughabout breaking down. Any idea how long that water will stay fresh?
  • You have a 2014 will have a fresh water drain.
    Look under rig around area fresh water tank is located for a pipe sticking out. Could have a valve on it, could have a plug or cap. You should also find two other pipes sticking out....low point drains. Could be valved or plugged/capped. Might even be red, blue or clear.

    Towing with water in tank is not an issue.
    Actually it's a good idea for several reasons........potti breaks while traveling, having water available should you break down on side of road, area you go to doesn't have water, water is bad at area you go to, power is out in area you go to etc.

    Crawl around under rig and do a look-see......might be interesting in what you find.
  • I think there is a couple of hoses im the bottom rear of the unit. Perhaps its of those. Its a 2014 bullet281bhs. Im gonna have to look again
  • as others have said... there should be a drain... but I travel with water in the tank all the time as 99% of my camping is boondocking... I have to fill before I get to my destination.
  • Do you have and hoses with caps on under the TT? When the caps off, they drain.
  • The fresh water tank drain may even be labeled on the side of your trailer. I've never noticed any sloshing effect. We travel with at least 10 gallons in the tank. Good luck.
  • There should be a drain plug under the tank.
    Both of my trailers had one.

    Jack L