matt_r wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
amandasgramma wrote:
Just an added fyi here. We thought our hot water line froze the other day. Turned out the annode was burned up......cold water ran, ansolutely no water in the hot water. :)
Anode rod is just a sacrificial rod used to protect Suburban water heater steel tank from rusting out,
Has NOTHING to do with heating of water
Electric heat element.......if burnt out no heating BUT propane should still heat water.
I wondered if it might be empty (no cold water in). I hit the purge valve and hot water flushes out... A good sign I presume?
Hot water coming out of T&P Relief Valve when you opened it means WH tank was full and water was heated.
Are you not getting hot water from ANY of your faucets/shower?
OR just from certain faucet???
None of the faucets.......
Check valve in Hot outlet on WH tank can be faulty/failed
Only certain faucet....
Faucet hotside could be faulty