idaho_camper wrote:
skipro3: do you have problems with the bike on the front of the truck like that disrupting air flow and causing excess EGTs, engine, or tranny temps? Especially on any long, hard grades?
No I didn't. When I got to Redding, CA (heading south) the temperature outside was over 90* at 9am. It was between 95* and 100* all the way home from there. I climbed 2000 ft to get from the Sacramento Valley to Placerville. The engine temp went up just a hair past the half way point on the long climbs. I left cruise control on at 57mph the whole way. The AC was running too, about 1/3 it's capacity, to keep it about 75 in the truck. There's a pretty large gap between the bike and the front radiator. About 2 feet.