Cummins12V98 wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
The_real_wild1 wrote:
No real drawback except for price.
No real drawback ? I too have one, and was curious about how much oil is left in there, well after draining until it stopped I pulled the Fumoto Valve the first time I used it . I can't say how much oil came out, but was a lot more then I wanted to leave in there.
For me I use it to drain, and then pull it to let it drain again .Eventually I will probably go back to the stock drain plug. Its nice that it allows to open up for oil analysis , although I don't do one, and it comes out slow enough you don't have to use a special pan or bucket.
HMMMMM you are concerned about the extra oil? Why since the 8 oz left in the pan has no way out after dropping the stock plug what's another few ounces?
Yes my concern is having even more used oil in there after draining with the Fumoto
That pan was designed to add 12 quarts of oil, the manual says 12 quarts of oil. I put in 12 quarts of oil . The Fumoto drain valve will not let all the oil drain out of there, never measured it, but its enough.
I am not concerned with overfilling, I'm concerned with adding more undrained oil to the mix. You claim there is 8oz left in there, and now add that with the oil the Fumoto won't let drain.
My objective is to get as much used oil out of there as possible, the Fumoto will not let you do that. All one has to do is let it drain until it stops with the Fumoto, and then pull the Fumoto, and watch the additional oil drain. I have done this the last two times.
Your claim there is 8oz left in there, I don't care, can't to anything about it, but I can with the Fumoto. We have two different concerns. I want as much oil out of there as possible, you don't want to overfill. You add back in 11 quarts ,and 24oz, and save the left over 8 oz. I dump in the entire 12 quarts, its never been over the full mark that I can tell or care.
To be out of the safe zone it has to be two quarts low, you think 8oz is going to change much, when supposedly you can run that engine down almost two quarts ( 64 oz ) ,and STILL be in the safe zone. 8 times what you are worried about. IMO a half quart 8oz one way or the other is a non issue.