Forum Discussion

RollandBC's avatar
Sep 02, 2019

Furnace blowing cold air only

Hi, I have a 1995 Prowler 22' and it seems like the furnace is only blowing cold air.
It does state there is an AUTO Igniter but I can't see the pilot or flame or smell gas.
  • Ok I did start the stove and got it working to verify propane.
    It's the Excalibur 8500 series Model 8520-lll
    I do have a picture but I need to host the pic somewhere.
  • and if is the first time starting it,? light the stove to purge the lines of air, on first time start up ,some times it,ll try a few times.
  • Make and model of furnce?
    DSI (direct Spark Ignition) does not have pilot.
    Odds are the sail switch is dirty. The arm of the sail switch sticks into the blower. The switch is small located outside of the blower area. You can on some use compreesed air to blow even a spec of debris out of the sail switch.
  • T-stat closes sending DC to furnace
    Furnace Blower starts and comes up to speed......purge cycle to clear combustion chamber

    SAIL SWITCH MUST close before DC will continue thru circuits for gas valve/spark electrode operation

    SAIL SWITCH...has a 'paddle' that sticks out into fan blower chamber.
    Air flow moves paddle closing the micro switch allowing DC to continue
    Sail Switch gets dirty/sticks/ matter how long fan runs Sail Switch MUST close for furnace to light off main flame via spark electrode

    Sail Switch typically has 2 wire wires....12VDC+ In/OUT of switch
    Switch can be under cover over motor of next to blower area