narcodog wrote:
So I read the two star reports. All I can say the Buddy is an open flame and the Wave is a Cat, big difference. One of the reporters stated he could not get his lighter to work until he was next to a window. In that one I don't think he read the instructions. If you want the best get a PlatCat.
A couple things I would like to address. I used to think the same thing about the Buddy heaters until I did some research on the newer models. They are actually a catalytic heater also, and ok to use inside. The old ones were open flame types. I have since bought a catalyst type Buddy heater and they work excellent, with no fume problems to upset my wife who has allergies and asthma, and can't handle perfumes, scented candles, campfire smoke, and other airborn things, but the Buddy heater doesn't bother her at all. The fumes are actually less than our old Coleman platinum catalyst heater.
The other thing is I tried many times to get the guy with the Platcat heaters to email or call me. I gave up. I am not going to fight to give someone money, and I was going to buy one. Right up until I got zero response while trying to buy one for two different trailers. That is when I started to do the research on the Buddy heaters. They aren't the same thing guys used to use in ice shacks 10 years ago like I originally thought.