Gdetrailer wrote:
fallsrider wrote:
CA Traveler wrote:
If it's not the regulator then you have a spare. There have been posts about oil in the propane lines which comes into the tank with the liquid propane.
I've never heard of the oil issue. Interesting.
Propane since it is a "byproduct" of refining/cracking crude oil and natural gas into other products (at one time, propane, Naptha (cousin to gasoline were considered worthless byproducts and was flared off at the well head in the early days of crude oil production) which can contain small amounts of oil. Generally very harmless but since the actual content can vary some depending on how much processing has been done may be enough to make it out of the cylinder as you consume the gas (liquid form in the cylinder converts to gas as you draw it out of the cylinder).
I don't think so. Or, at least not all of what you said. What they were burning off at the well head was Natural Gas . That is not the same as propane ( Also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) ) which is made during the oil refining process.