Glad to hear you resolved the problem.
Way back in 2000, we bought our first "rv." It was a brand-new Coleman popup. Best you could get back then (IMO). After a quick weekend-check-it-out camping outing, we set off across country to see Yellowstone. Never had done anything close to this before, and we were super excited.
First night in the park it was a bit chilly, with temps forecast to be in the 30's overnight. "Don't worry," I told my family, "We've got a heater!" (We had been tent campers for many years, and couldn't believe the lux that we were now living in!)
Middle of the night we were getting cold, so I flipped the switch to turn on the propane heater. Nothing. In the morning there was frost on the roof of the camper. Not a single propane appliance was working in our brand-new camper. Warranties don't do you much good in a situation like that.
I did all the trouble shooting I could think of, and spent time on the phone with my dealer 2000 miles away while the family enjoyed Old Faithful. Long story short - faulty gas regulator.
Yes; they do fail. And yes, a spare is a good idea.