I keep my 3000is in the bed of my truck. I have a camper cap on my truck. I have the generator chained to bed tie down with security chain and lock, cable locked to the 2x12 running across the back of the truck and again cable locked to another aftermarket lock tie down bolted to the side of my bed. When not using I cover the interior of the bed deck with a black sheet so at first glace through the tinted windows the back of the truck looks empty. When running I open both side windows and rear glass and direct the exhaust out the rear window and keep the tail gate locked. The generator never leaves the back of my truck.
I installed a selector switch and a front power input plug to allow the use of a shot cord between the truck and trailer. I could easily run going down the road if wanted but have not had the need.
I will say that I have left the generator running in the back of the truck unattended when we put the dogs in the camper and run the AC when we stop for shopping and site seeing while traveling from point to point.
At this point I think it would be easier for someone to take the truck than the generator.